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My Story


I was never blessed with that "speedy teenage metabolism" or a natural athletic ability.   I struggled with weight most of my adolescent life and into young adulthood.  During the summer after my freshmen year in college I was determined to make a change and went on my first real "diet".  I read in a magazine that to lose weight you needed to eat less than 800 calories a day and start running.  That night I drove to Barnes and Noble and bought a calorie counting book, laid out my disc-man and running sneakers and the next day I got started - what I didn't know was that day also was the start of a very unhealthy relationship with food, but also a love for fitness.

Over the next 10 years I gained and lost the same 30+ pounds over and over again by cutting calories to unhealthy lows and then eating everything in sight.  It wasn't until I truly looked at my relationship with food and started understanding nutrition and the role of exercise that I was able to maintain a healthy, happy weight.

Today, my love of nutrition and fitness has led me to become certified through the National Academy of Sports Medicine as a Personal Trainer, Nutrition Coach and Weight Loss Specialist, Precision Nutrition as a Nutrition Coach and CrossFit as a Level one Trainer - what can I say, I like to learn.

Am I the fastest runner? No. Am I the strongest in the gym? No.  Do I have days where I eat everything in site?  Maybe too many.  Am I always motivated to workout?  Heck no!  But I have discipline and I show up for myself.  I know that every meal is a new start and have learned to not rely on the scale to define me.

My goal is to inspire and help as many people as I can to develop a healthy lifestyle through small, managable changes that will help them reach their personal goals.

My Philosophy

Life is busy, chaotic, fun and exhausting all at the same time!  I understand, because I live it.  I have 3 young kids and we own several restaurants.  If there is one thing I have learned over the years it is that life is all about balance - but that is especially true when it comes to nutrition and fitness.  

So, my philosophy is simple - Figure out YOUR balance.  Figure out where you say yes, and where you say no.  Figure out what you enjoy for physical activity - whether it be running or walking or lifting weights.  This doesn't look the same for everyone.  We will work together to figure out what works best for you to hit your goals and maintain them.

One Day or  Day One?

It's Your Decision

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